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male cones per stem

Listing 1 - 10 from 16 for male cones per stem

Cycad Society SA: Encephalartos dolomiticus
... the cones fall apart, a dense hair coat around the margins of the scales become visible. In mature plants up to three male cones per stem have ... are drawn out into a conspicuous lip. Up to three female cones per stem have been seen. These are egg-shaped, 300mm to 450mm long ... egg-like shape of the female cones and the warty surfaces of the female cone scales. The male cones of these two species also ...

Cycad Society SA: Encephalartos dyerianus
... leaflets of mature plants. The male and female cones are quite different, but both are hairless with the scale faces smooth and bluish green. Five to eight male cones per stem has been observed.  These are narrowly egg-sbaped, 270mm to 460mm long and 90mm to 120mm wide. Cones are borne on a 100mm to 170mm ...
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Angiosperm Families - Betulaceae S.F. Gray
... Minor leaf veins without phloem transfer cells (Alnus, Betula). Stem anatomy. Cork cambium present; initially superficial. Nodes tri- ... more or less elongate, pendulous catkins (male), or erect, short heads or woody cones (female), with few-flowered dichasia in ... ; Group II type. Placentation axile to apical. Ovules 1 per locule; pendulous; non-arillate; anatropous; unitegmic; crassinucellate. Embryo- ...

Florida Coonties and Atala Butterflies
... that are attached to a thick shortened stem. New fronds uncurl from the top of this stem. The thickened underground root can be ... male cones will grow from one individual plant. The sex of young plants cannot be determined until the cones form on the plant. Thin male cones ... plus 5 lbs. of Dolomite and 3 lbs. of Perk micronutrient per cubic yard. Blue green algae are known to associate with surface ...

Fir, Pine or Spruce - Which Do I Have?
... arranged in clusters, with 2, 3 or 5 needles per cluster; spruce and fir have their needles attached ... cones of most spruce trees. In fir trees, the scales on the cones are deciduous; that is, in the autumn, the scales fall off, leaving the erect center stem ... male cones are formed in the spring near the branch tips and are often mistaken for reddish buds. These cones are short-lived. Female cones ...

Gymnosperms for lab
... male cones; female cones; seeds. Ephedra (1, 2,3, ) Female strobili, male strobili, specimens in glass tubes. Welwitschia (1,2, 3 ) (Male inflorescence) 4, 5 (Female inflorescence) 6) Gnetum (1, 2, 3,4, ) Pinus Male - ... stem; 1 year stem; older stem; ( 1, 2, 3 ) Pinus strobus - 3 wood sections - x.s., radial and tangential. Leaves - x.s. of several forms, including Pinus monophyla with 1 leaf per ...

Cycad International : Katherine NT Australia
... of the Atherton Tablelands of N-E Queensland. The stem of Bowenia is always subterranean and rather cylindrical, ... glossy dark-green, with up to 120 leaflet pairs per frond. Those of D. spinulosum are equipped with ... Male plants produce cones pretty much on an annual basis and, unlike those cycads that bear one of two large male cones, many species of Zamia bear several to a dozen or more small cones ...

Pinus resinosa Ait
... Dissemination- Under favorable growing conditions planted red pines have produced staminate (male) flowers at age 9, ovulate (female) flowers at age 5, ... -with 200 to 250 trees per hectare (80 to 100/acre), there may be about 87,500 cones per hectare (35,000/acre) ... , shade grown seedlings are smaller in all dimensions (stem length and dry weight of stem, foliage, and roots) except needle length than ...

The Coontie of Florida
... said to have processed 10-15 tons of product per day at peak production. In south Florida, a natural ... two plants to make them separate species?" Description Stem The stem of a single-headed plant can be 10 cm in ... cones can be black, brown, or even a dark orange. Figure 8 shows newly emerging male cones on a wide-leaf form. Figure 8. Male cones emerging on a cultivated wide-leaf form. Female cones ...

Interactive Dendrology Glossary
... : Having unisexual cones or flowers with only one sex per plant, thereby having separate male and ... of leaves or bracts, which surround a stem or other plant organ. Fertilization: Fusion of ... cones or flowers with female and male reproductive structures on the same plant. Needle: Long, slender leaf; as in Pinus. Pollen: The male gametophyte. Minute, powdery grains produced by anthers and male cones ...

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