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officers shall

Listing 1 - 10 from 89 for officers shall

WCFRS Bylaws
... officers of this Society shall be a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer or Secretary and Treasurer. Section 2. Elections shall be held at the November meeting.  Officers shall be installed at the December meeting and shall hold office for twenty four months (two ...

Denver Orchid Society Constitution and By-Laws
... or permitted. Sec. 2: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and eight (8) other members. The officers shall be elected by the new board from the twelve (12) board members, preference being given to senior members. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be elected ...

... officers take office upon election at the annual business meeting. Section 2. Duties of Officers A. President The President shall ... shall be held on the second Saturday of May. B. The election of officers shall take place. Section 3. Regular meetings Regular meetings shall be held at least 6 times per year; the dates shall ...

Tacoma Orchid Society
... shall carry out its work through the following bodies. Officers Trustees Executive Board Committees Librarian Officers: Officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor of the Newsletter. The task of the Officers ... . Any vacancy in the Officers will be filled by an interim appointed by the President. The elected Officers shall serve from the beginning ...

APGA | Bylaws
... any such specially appointed Officers shall serve in an ex-officio capacity without vote on the Board of Directors. Officers, other than the immediate Past-President, shall be elected from ... Officers shall be conducted by mail in accordance with procedures set forth in Section 6 of Article III. Section 2 - President The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall ...

Region 15 Proposed Bylaws for vote at Fall 2006 Business Meeting
... of supporting geographic diversity should be a secondary consideration. [9] Section 5: Duties. All officers shall perform their assigned duties and other such duties as applicable to the office as ... of the Internal Revenue Code. Article XII: Dissolution. Upon the dissolution of this association, the officers shall, after payment of or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of Region ...

Region 15 Bylaws
... , and Secretary-Treasurer. The nominee with the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner. New officers shall take office on January 1 of the following year. The name of ... : Duties. The RVP shall conduct an annual business meeting, arrange for publishing the regional newsletter and appoint a Regional Publicity Director and a newsletter editor. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed ...
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ALGS Constitution and By Laws
... Section 3. Membership shall be for one year and shall begin upon receipt of the payment of dues. ARTICLE IV - Officers, Directors and Executive Board Section 1. The officers shall be: President, Vice ... President, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term. Section 4. The Officers and Directors shall be elected at the Fall meeting. New officers shall start their terms upon ...

Azalea Society of America
... . Officers The officers of the chapter shall be elected by its members, and the duties of the officers shall be set forth in the By-Laws of the chapter. The president of each chapter shall be ... meeting of members shall include the installation of officers and directors and such other business as may come before the meeting; provided, that if the process of electing officers and directors shall not be ...

Azalea Society of America
... officers, together with a short resume of each such candidate. C. The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor or by proxy. A majority of those present and those proxy voting shall ...
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