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aloe comptonii

Listing 1 - 10 from 10 for aloe comptonii

Institute for Aloe Studies - Plant Descriptions
... on the inflorescence Aloe christianii - Zimbabwe to Tanzania - dull green leaves, pinkish to pale brown teeth, red flowers, seed from Silverhill Seed collected in Zimbabwe, sown 5/16/98 Aloe comptonii - South Africa ... - Namibia, I think most everyone is familiar with this beautiful aloe, seed sown 9/17/00 Aloe ferox - South Africa, tree aloe up to 5m high, broad leaves that are dull green to ...

The Gasteria Reference Collection in North America - Home
... a rock ledge I saw the Little Karoo Violet (Balbiana sp.). Approach Boshuiskloof Crassula barbata Aloe comptonii Aloe comptonii near G. Marx + E. multifolia Then it was off to the Boshuiskloof via the famous ... even the North American cactus Mammillaria lasiacanthus!). Also seen were large plants of the elegant Aloe comptonii. But for me the real star of the Boshuiskloof were these huge clusters of ...

CSSA Newsletters #24
... less or dwarf or grass Aloes. Aloe ferox or the ferocious Aloe, is a robust single stemmed Aloe with a large but single rosette ... well as wet locations. In cultivation, like many other Aloe species, Aloe ferox, grows well in a warm climate. Being a hardy ... and went for a walk. Here we encountered Tylecodon walchii, Aloe comptonii and a Massonia sp. The array of plant species again Anacampseros, ...

Succulenta 2003 | international succulents congress 2003 | Calitzdorp, little Karoo, South Africa
... truncata minor), Matjiesdrift ( Haworthia bayeri ), Uniondale ( Haworthia bayeri, Euphorbia clandestina, Aloe comptonii), Deugas (Euphorbia horrida, white form), back to Oudtshoorn Sunday: ... C. tomentosa, Othonna, Euphorbia multiceps, Conophytum minimum, Didimaotus, Tanquana, Lithops comptonii, Pelargonium hystrix, Bulbine succulentum) via Konstabel station (haworthias), Fisantekraal (Haworthia ... CD-ROM SUCCULENTS Index of species
... .atropurpureum f.variegata haworthii AGAVE angustifolia 'Marginata' pumila ALLUAUDIA procera ALOE aristata dichotoma erinacea-young plants ferox humilis-flower juveniana krapholiana ... f.monstroza sarcostemoides socialis CUSSONIA paniculata spicata CYANOTIS somalensis CYLINDROPHYLLUM comptonii CYPHOSTEMMA juttae pachypus DENDROSICYOS socotrana DIDIEREA madagascariensis DINTERANTHUS microspermus ssp. ... Sukulenty-nabdka rostlin
... California, zelené rùžice, zubaté okraje listù, bonsai 3-5 40-50 167 Aloe albiflora úzké zelenobílé mramorované listy, miniatura 5-8 ... masité listy s jemnými zoubky 6-10 35-45 171 Aloe ramosissima PV 1121 Ekstenfontein, IS,jako A.dichotoma ale menší, B v ... batesiana masité síkované listy 1,5-3 25-33 283 Haworthia comptonii prùsvitná, hezká 1,5-2,5 30-40 284 Haworthia cooperi prù ...
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CSSA Newsletters #12
... oleifolium, Aloe dichotoma, Aloe erinacea, Aloe gariepensis, Aloe hereroensis, Aloe hereroensis v. lutea, Aloe littoralis, Aloe melanacantha, Aloe microstigma, Aloe obscura, Aloe pachygaster, Aloe ramosissima, Aloe striata, Aloe striata ssp. karasbergensis, Ammocharis coranica, Anacampseros albissima, Anacampseros alstonii, Anacampseros buderiana, Anacampseros comptonii, Anacampseros crinita ...

L-ewwel esperjenza tieghi fl-ambjent naturali tas-Sukkulenti l-ohra
... 'l fuq stajna naraw li mal-gnub tal-mintanji kien hemm hafna Aloe. James qalilna li kienu l-A. comptonii, izda kienu 'l fuq wisq biex nitilghu hdejhom. Malli hrigna minn go ... , u neobraunii, Crassula hemispherica li hija rarit ohra, Conophytum truncatum, Crassula deceptor var deceptrix, Lithops comptonii u Didymaotus lapidiformis. Minn xi whud minn dawn l-ispeci kien hemm wahda jew tnejn ...

Aloe perfoliata
... you who love gardening with bright reds, oranges and yellows will find this particular aloe quite irresistible. Aloe perfoliata is a true Cape mountain and winter rainfall species that has a lot ... of plants that attract wildlife to your garden. Companion plants to A. perfoliata include A. comptonii, A. distans, A. falcata, Lampranthus multiradiatus, L. aureus and many of the Bulbine species. For ...

... areas had banded leaves. Here Lachenalia zebrina was growing in close proximity to Aloe variegata. The leaves of this aloe also have a banded pattern. Is there a reason for the ... still know them as Homerias and as Gynandriris. These included Moraea pritzeliana, Moraea collina, Moraea comptonii, Moraea elegans, Moraea flaccida and Moraea ochroleuca. MORAEA NEOPAVONIA At the August monthly meeting ...