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Listing 11 - 14 from 14 for taxol

SNP, Botanische Tuinen Utrecht
... en Universiteit Leiden [Faculteit Pharmacognosie]. Lopend onderzoek Botanische Tuin TU Delft: Het melken [EHDA] van Taxol Ò uit naalden [Taxus baccata] Zuivering van havenslib Verwijdering van zware metalen uit afvalwater van ...

San Antonio Botanical Garden Plant Research and Development
... Cindy Tumiel reported that the tacca root seems to act similarly to paclitaxel (Brand name Taxol), a drug used to treat cancer. This drug fights cancer cells by interfering with the ...

... role in the production of extremely beneficial chemical compounds. For example, the cancer-fighting compound taxol, which was originally derived from the Pacific yew, has been found to be a product ... only that multiple endophytes in various yew species produced taxol, but that other fungi in wholly unrelated plants do so too. Since taxol has antifungal properties, it may help keep pathogens at ...

Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance | Conservation Projects
... Torreya is related to the Pacific Yew (Taxus brevifolia) from which we get Taxol, a cancer fighting drug. Taxol has also been experimentally produced in an endophytic fungus associated with Torreya grandifolia ...

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